ME Elecmetal Achieves 71% Circularity of its Raw Materials for Cast Liners



Once a liner is used by the client, the worn part becomes scrap, or waste, in the clients’ storage, accumulating over time.

The new provisions of the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Law defines obligations for industries regarding production processeses and how to manage waste in an integrated manner.

Customers can have both financial operational responsibility for the management and disposal of their waste.



Since 2016, ME Elecmetal’s operations and support teams have sought to increase the circularity of the products we develop. We have progressively integrated recycled raw materials in the various products developed locally — as is the case of steel liners.


We began by identifying product composition used by mining customers. The results of the research helped us understand that once these components were worn out in mining processes, 95% of the material could be reused.


ME Elecmetal monitors customer purchases, buys back the scrap and recirculates it to create new liners.

“Starting in 2020, our customers started asking us not only about process and quality issues, but another common question was what can they do in terms of the circular economy and measuring their carbon footprint.”

Matías Bustos, Operations Manager for ME Elecmetal Chile.





ME Elecmetal uses 95% raw material in our products, achieving a circularity rate of 71% during 2022 (see graph). This has meant a reduction from 8.4% virgin raw material usage in 2016, to 3.8% in 2021.





With this initiative, all of our customers contribute to circularity.


ME FIT Programs

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Mining 4.0

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