What we have done for our customers

Over the course of our years of experience with our customers, we have completed large projects focused on the following five core areas:

How can we help?

ME FIT Crushing takes the entire implementation cycle into consideration in its technical proposals: manufacturing, installation, deployment and performance monitoring. We believe continuous communication with our customers is key to understanding their entire process, so we are better able to detect anomalies and propose adjustments with a focus on continuous process improvement.

Traceability, monitoring and customized services

We guide our clients through the entire pre- and post-implementation process, keeping them informed and reassured of the results they expect to obtain.

Strategic development and best practices for your business

We aim to satisfy customer needs with proposals to simplify workflows. We detect and solve issues that generate “bottlenecks” in processes. We are engaged in the day-to-day activities of our customers’ operations, identifying variables and exchanging points of view across all areas of the plant.

Engineering design-manufacturing and development of new technologies

Through new technologies, proprietary product designs and manufacturing, we are helping our customers achieve better crushing solutions, thus streamlining production, availability, reliability and quality, while ensuring we are able to adapt to and solve any problems that our customers may encounter.

Experienced staff with industry and technical expertise

We are constantly learning new technologies so that we may better support our customers. Our experience proves we are qualified as a technology partner that sees beyond the main challenges and exceeds the customer's expectations.

Case studies

Cambio de aleación y mejora en la disponibilidad de equipo chancador

Caso de éxito de solución ME FIT Crushing para mejora de disponibilidad en Minera El Brocal.

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ME Elecmetal Rises to the Challenges Posed by the Demanding Crushing Stage

Check out ME Elecmetal’s article, ME Elecmetal Rises to the Challenges Posed by the Demanding Crushing Stage.

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Companies who have trusted us

We have over 120 customers in more than 40 countries


ME FIT Programs

Products and services

Mining 4.0

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