Environmental developments in ME Elecmetal’s global operations

The increasing demands for environmental management in adherence with international standards is a reality for ME Elecmetal in its global operations.

Some of the most relevant areas of concern in the industry are:

  1. Circularity: the need to reduce customers’ waste and reuse unused materials — along with improving the profitability of products offered.
  2. Emissions: develop an energy matrix with a greater presence of renewables.
  3. Water Resources: reduce the use of water in the operation, promoting recirculation.
  4. Particulate Material: reduce dust generated in operations.

ME Elecmetal has developed a series of actions in its operations, and continues to explore other solutions aimed at improving its environmental performance, with a special focus on circularity and emissions.

How Does the Customer Solve the Problem Today?

Currently, the customer is defining and integrating international standards into the environmental management plan — requirements that are permeating through the supply chain.


Some of the international certifications in this field are:

ISO 140001 for environmental management

LEED for sustainable construction

Carbon Trust for carbon footprint

B companies, among others

Sustainability is part of ME Elecmetal’s history and is at the core of its business.

During 2023, the company formalized the actions it was already developing under a sustainability strategy. The strategy prioritizes and defines the work, focusing on  four pillars that endeavor to anticipate and respond to environmental challenges:


  1. ME Elecmetal Seal
  2. Our People
  3. The Environment
  4. Links to Create Value


ME Elecmetal has defined an environmental work plan which centers on:

  1. Circular eEconomy: development of products that ensure the circularity of raw materials.
  2. Carbon Footprint: transition of the operational energy matrix, with a greater use of renewable energies.
  3. Value Chain: extension of its environmental standards and guidelines to be implemented by its suppliers.

Through the implementation of the various definitions and environmental certifications, ME Elecmetal seeks to be a strategic partner for all its customers.

Currently, ME Elecmetal is defining global environmental standards that can be applied to operations in South America, North America, Oceania and Asia, Africa and China.

“We want to be a strategic ally that adds value to mining processes and other target markets. We understand thes issue of global climate change and concern for environmental management is something all companies are managing,” explains José Pablo Domínguez, Global Operations Manager of ME Elecmetal.


“In terms of the environment, we have defined a roadmap, together with our suppliers, to move towards products containing more environmentally friendly attributes,” adds Dominguez.

In some countries we have observed diverse reponses, but in general, it has resulted in long-standing commercial ties and an evolution of environmental management — working together with with our clients.


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