Corporate Affairs (Spanish document)

Investor information

Opción de Pago ISFUT por Dividendo N°268 (Chile)

Carta a Accionistas e Instructivo por ISFUT Div N°268 (Chile)

Consolidated financial statements with notes and reasoned analysis

Consolidated Financial Statements December 2022

Next Quarterly Financial Statements Release Date

Consolidated Financial Statements March 2022

Financial Statements December 2021

Financial Statements September 2021

Financial Statements June 2021

Shareholders' Meeting

Fundamentos proposición Auditores Externos 2023

Citación Junta Ordinaria 2023

Carta Poder Junta Ordinaria 2023

Comunica Convocatoria a Junta Ordinaria 2023

Shareholders Meeting 2022

Shareholders Meeting 2021

ME Elecmetal general habituality policy

Elecmetal General Habituality Policy

Market Interest Information Manual

Management of Information of Interest to the Market

ME Elecmetal - Corporate anti-corruption and fraud policy

Corporate Anti-Corruption and Fraud Policy

Corporate governance, social responsibility and sustainable development practices

Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Practices


ME FIT Programs

Products and services

Mining 4.0

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